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One woman's journey to becoming a triathlete

Let's talk milestones

It can be a slow training process, but once you start hitting targets, you realise how far you've come. 

In my triathlon training, a few milestones have been swimming a mile in open water and cycling more than 40km - which I'm pleased to say I finally managed!

It was tough, but that relief and jubilation when I'd reached my target was great. In one of my previous blog posts I included measuring your progress as a key element to motivation and perseverance in training. This record keeping means you can look back at just how much you've progressed from the start.

Ben Coomber touched upon this in his podcast episode with Aldine Preisner saying “Without stopping, you don’t get perspective and without perspective you can’t rationally approach a situation and deal with it in the most appropriate way”. We don't celebrate our achievements enough but we should! Maybe it's a British thing, being humble?! 

Nonetheless, take a moment to reflect on how far you've come.

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